Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Iced Tea Fun/ Just Peachy

Because it's summer and I want to do what I want and will get to specific reviews in a bit. I JUST WANT TO MAKE FANTASTIC ICED TEAS.

So this one has a tiny bit of Pink Lemonade, a sample packet of Mango Fruit Punch, a spoonful of Honeydew Mate (which I cannot find on the site right now...so it may have been discontinued?), and like 5-7 spoonfuls of Just Peachy.

I steeped it for like...5 minutes? Then poured it into my amazing plastic jug (I actually put a large DT filter in the top while pouring it, to make sure I got any particles), with some ice, and stuck it in the fridge to fully cool.

Now. Now I drink it.

And it tastes good, very peachy. Next time I make it I'm adding a lot more Just Peachy and Pink Lemonade though! This time it literally tasted of just Just Peachy, which is still very awesome, but also not as strong as I wanted (I added too much ice I think).

ignore the gravy in the bottom left

Do it, mix it, match it. Let me know your results! I added some ginger ale when I was nearing the end, and wham bam! It's even better!


Thursday, 24 July 2014

Mao Jian

Mao Jian fro DavidsTea

Ingredients: First pluck green tea from Henan Province, China.

Only available in stores, I noticed it completely by accident, hiding on the back shelf under the tea shelves. Barely advertised, and not mentioned at all by the sales clerks (even when I asked to know what was new), who seemed more interested in insisting that I try the new summer teas.

Taking a sniff from the bag once I got home instantly reminded me of when I used to work in a pet store... Alfalfa. A sickly-sweet kind of grassy scent, which I still can't decide how I feel about.

Once brewed, I found it definitely has the asparagus/artichoke scent that the description talks about. It puts me off a bit, thinking of drinking something that looks a bit like wee and smells like asparagus. (this is how my mind works)
But Yoshi seems to like it because he currently has his face dunked in my mug as I type this before I have even had a single sip.

Pleasantly -and greatly- surprised!
I can see why the little bird won't leave it alone. Very sweet, amazingly fresh, light green. I love it.

I recommend everyone give this a try before it isn't fresh any more!
Get your butt to a DavidsTea if you love a light green.

 Happy Steeping,


I am struggling to drink around my bird. He refuses to get off the lip of my mug while I'm trying to drink. He nudges at my nose and eye as I tip to drink.
Honestly, tea lovers, I don't recommend a pet that loves tea as much as you do.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Birthday Cake

So, my birthday was on the 19th. I'm now 23! Go me! I promise I'm a real adult. I DO MY OWN TAXES, GOD DAMNIT.

And because all birthdays need birthday cake, I decided to up the anti and have not only cake flavored cookies from my lovely tea sister, but a TEA that is all about the birthday cake.

It's my birthday, I make the rules now!

Birthday Cake tea from DavidsTea.

So this tea is much more cake scented than flavored. It tastes basically like a sweet rooibos tea. Which isn't a bad thing at all. I enjoy the tea.
But, I don't have it often because the smell can be overwhelming when made in my than a cup. If I make a pot, then I tend to be overpowered by cake-tea smell!



Thursday, 17 July 2014

Root Beer Float

Ingredients: Cinnamon, black tea, white chocolate, sarsaparilla, safflower petals, natural flavouring

Looks better than it tastes
I got a little excited about this one. It smells like root beer flavoured candies

It was a short lived excitement.

I iced this, because it is just too damn hot right now for anything that isn't filled to the brim with ice.

It was a cinnamon-y mess. I actually gagged when I tried to drink it. I was expecting way more vanilla flavour, but nope.

I really hated this.
That's all I can say.

Happy Steeping (just maybe not this one)


Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Midsummer's Night Dream

Next post will be for my biiiiiiiiiiiirthday~! So I can't pre do it so it may be laaaate

But today, I feel sick. So I basically wanted to do a post that would help make me feel better.

So you know how, in the summer of if you live in a climate that basically is always summer, drinking a hot beverage to make yourself feel up to snuff and soothe a throat basically will cause you to melt? Well, have no fear, this tea helps soothe, both heated and iced. I introduce, Midsummer's Night Dream.

Today I made it iced. I took a shit tonne of loose leaf, steeped it for like...3-5 minutes, added ice and some extra cold water for a top up and BAM. Iced tea.

It tastes kinda tart and sweet. You can totally taste the apples and the gooseberries. Like, I can't get over how much more I enjoy this tea iced than hot! Like...I don't know to explain it, but it's just soothing and good and yummy. Add some agave or even honey when you're steeping if it isn't sweet enough.

Make it. Drink it. Enjoy it.


Also, just because it is summer and summer is for enjoyment and shit sometimes my posts may be a bit late! I'll aim for not more than 24 hours, but no guarantees.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Oolong Supreme

Oolong Supreme from DT

Ingredients: Dang Cong Oolong tea from Wudang Mountains, China.

As someone who absolutely loves oolongs, I was so excited when I heard that DT was bringing in two new, high quality ones. Today, I decided on supreme, because it certainly gets your attention with a name like that.

I steeped for three minutes (I like strong oolongs) with water as close to 80 degrees as I could manage. I really need to get myself a fancy, temperture setting kettle... but I have priorities at the moment that, sadly, do not involve tea. So, for now, I have to use a thermometre.

Wow! This tea.
It's a smooth, roasted nuttiness that just throws me for a loop trying to describe (was that a good enough description?). From the roasted flavour, I was honestly expecting a very strong, lingering bitterness - there isn't any. Nothing but deliciousness.
It can make the palate a little dry, so I would recommend going for two minutes steep time instead. You won't lose any of the amazing flavour, and will make the experience all the more enjoyable.
This dryness could also be attibuted to how hot it has been all week, making me feel incredibly thirsty almost constantly, but I still recommend starting with lower times and seeing how you feel.


It is beautiful outside, and though a little too hot for someone of my disposition to enjoy with a hot drink in hand, this tea is something to definitely enjoy in the cooler comforts of the indoors.

I will definitely be getting myself more.

Excellent work, DT. You made this oolong fan super happy!

Happy Steeping,

Tuesday, 8 July 2014




Me while winning. My pool has over
1.5 mill, I'm betting $500 K, I doubled it.


I poured a fuck tonne in a strainer because fuck being subtle. And it steeps faster.



Let me break it down for ya'll. This shit taste like legit pink lemonade. DavidsTea delivers on this one. No jokes. I love this shit to the moon and back.


No longer perfect at posting,


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Lime Gelato

Lime Gelato from DT
Ingredients: Apple, sencha green tea, pineapple (candied), lemongrass, and artificial creamy lime yogurt flavouring.

I am a sucker for anything lime. I'm a little bit psycho over limes. Yet, I avoided trying this tea for so long because a good friend of mine told me that she thought it was disgusting, and "creamy lime yogurt flavouring" sounds kind of... awful. But, I finally got it as a sample in one of my online orders, and after a sales girl insisted it was good when chilled, that's what I decided to try today.

Well, I'll be damned! SUNSHINE!
My first sip instantly made me think of lime greek yogurt - something I am a pretty  big fan of. But the more I drink, the more I just taste the lemongrass.
My imagination was deceiving my taste buds. THE FIEND!
It has s smooth, almost creamy lemongrass flavour, but it is NOT lime. Where da lime at, davidstea?! WHERE?! Even the coconut lime (haven't tried that yet) from Tea Desire has ACTUAL LIME PIICES IN IT. Get with the program. You say lime, give us LIME. Please note: lemon is not lime. LemonGRASS is most definitely NOT LIME.

Well, I do believe that I have abused my caps lock enough for today, the poor bugger.

It's not absolutely disgusting, but it reminds me far too much of something you drink when you are sick with the flu or some other nasty bug thing that always seems to assault my system in the winter months. It is not the delicious, limey Italian desert they promised... not at all....

My friend was right, and I am glad that I listened to her.
Until DavidsTea learns what a lime is, I recommend not wasting your time -or money- on this one.

 This tea is not for me!

Happy Steeping,

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Oh Canada!

See how interesting Canada is in one stock photo
The amazingly evil kitchen renos are done. Finally. Three months of being miserable, over. Three months of not being able to drink my favorite teas whenever I wanted, over. Being able to eat well and do what I want...I could cry!  (this was the only part I pre-typed and now I regret it because the renos still aren't done)

What a perfect thing to have for Canada Day! Not to mention, this was NOT scheduled ahead of time. Hell yeah. YESSSS. But, I did plan to do this tea on this day months ago. (I mean, I did it on the 27th because I have long weekend stuff to do. Sue me.)

What is this tea you ask? Oh Canada! by DavidsTea. I also have some Maple Flavored Agave Nectar, also from DavidsTea, just in case it's not quite Canadian enough!
I've only tried this once before, and it was along time ago in a baby sample. So now I need to perfect it. Because IT'S CANADA DAY.

Let's get a move on with the review!

So, it's an okay tea. Which is disappointing because Canada is awesome and it could have been just more. I just found that, even with some maple agave (which taste just like maple syrup), it was kinda boring. By itself, the tea didn't even taste super maple-y or toffee-ish. Just kinda...flat.

I dunno, maybe I'm being too picky, but they could have literally done so much more. Like a maple, apple (can anyone say Okanagan Valley?), caramel, mate with some honeybush (and the maple candy)! That is the one I'd gun for. You know what, I may try to make that one day. Maybe next Canada Day I'll make a tea like that.

It's good but not great. I'm not buying more because I'd rather spend my money on something else.

Happy Canada Day!


June 27th